Challenges Autistic and ADHD Children Face at School and What Can Help

There is a reason why 92.1% of children with school attendance difficulties are neurodivergent, with 83.5% being autistic (according to one sample by Connolly & Mullally, 2022). And why children with Special Educational Needs are 50% more likely to struggle with school attendance (Office for National Statistics, 2021). And why 31% of autistic children and young people are persistently absent from school (Ambitious about Autism, 2022).

Because the school environment and the nature of school itself can be incredibly overwhelming, anxiety-inducing and traumatic for neurodivergent children. Sadly, I have to wonder if any autistic children get through school untraumatised (I wrote about this here).

Autistic and ADHD children deserve to be listened to and have a legal right to reasonable adjustments under the Equality Act 2010.

I asked autistic and ADHD people on Twitter (or X) and Instagram to share what they found hard about school. I received over four hundred replies. These were some of the most common themes.

I then asked autistic and ADHD people to share what helped or what would have helped them at school. These were the most common responses.

There are many things that I wish schools knew about supporting autistic and ADHD children, like I wrote about here. Understanding, compassion and adjustments can make a world of difference.


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Autistic Joy: My Favourite Part of Autism


My Journey of Discovering My ADHD