I deliver a variety of talks to organisations, schools, healthcare professionals, young people and their families.
My fees vary depending on the length of the talk, whether it is in-person or online and the preparation time required.
My availability is usually for Mondays.
Please get in touch via my form here.
Available talks:
Embracing Difference - Surviving and Thriving with Autism and ADHD (can be adapted for various audiences)
Neurodivergent Women and Girls in the Workplace
Neurodiversity at Work
Embracing Difference assembly and workshop for year 5-9s
Autism in the Mental Health System - Misdiagnosis, Recognising Autism and Therapy
Supporting Students with Autism and ADHD (generic or for health and social care courses)
Please get in touch to discuss any particular topics
Some previous talks given:
For educational professionals:
JAGS Partnership SENDCOs
University of Hertfordshire lecturersFor healthcare professionals:
University of Hertfordshire Clinical Psychology Doctorate, Mental Health Nursing students and lecturers
CAMHS inpatient unit and early intervention
Royal College of Psychiatrists CCQI special interest day
East of England mental health teamFor young people:
Newton Prep School year 5-8s
Ambitious about Autism young people
Young MindsFor businesses:
Marine Management Organisation
Stantec women and neurodiversity ERG CollectiveFor autistic people/families:
National Autistic Society autism and mental health conference
SWAN Scotland
Ambitious about Autism
Listening Books