I deliver a variety of talks to organisations, schools, healthcare professionals, young people and their families.
My fees vary depending on the length of the talk, whether it is in-person or online and the preparation time required.
I also have a pre-recorded session on ‘Embracing Difference’ and a secondary school assembly available to purchase.
My availability is usually for Mondays.
Please get in touch via my form here.
Available talks:
Embracing Difference - Surviving and Thriving with Autism and ADHD (can be adapted for various audiences)
Neurodivergent Women and Girls in the Workplace
Neurodiversity at Work
Embracing Difference assembly and workshop for year 5-9s
Autism in the Mental Health System - Misdiagnosis, Recognising Autism and Therapy
Supporting Students with Autism and ADHD (generic or for health and social care courses)
Please get in touch to discuss any particular topics
Some previous talks given:
For educational professionals:
JAGS Partnership SENDCOs
University of Hertfordshire lecturersFor healthcare professionals:
University of Hertfordshire Clinical Psychology Doctorate, Mental Health Nursing students and lecturers
CAMHS inpatient unit and early intervention
Royal College of Psychiatrists CCQI special interest day
East of England mental health teamFor young people:
Newton Prep School
Orange Tree School
Lord Wandsworth College
Ambitious about Autism
Young MindsFor businesses:
Marine Management Organisation
Stantec women and neurodiversity ERG CollectiveFor autistic people/families:
National Autistic Society autism and mental health conference
SWAN Scotland
Ambitious about Autism
Listening Books
“Thank you so much for speaking to the children yesterday. Both pupils and staff absolutely loved your presentation. It was so powerful for children to have a young, bright, articulate and successful, neurodiverse young girl to talk about autism and ADHD and I felt that you really connected with them. It was at times quite moving to see so many children putting their hands up and telling you about their diagnosis, their concerns and asking you questions about your own experience. For many, this talk will transform their lives, as they will start reflecting on their own strengths and needs and/or those of their friends and family. ”
“Your speech was incredible and I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone connect with the children and make a difference in the way that you did.”
“I would like to pass on my gratitude for Emily coming to talk to us on Wednesday. Her ability to share so much important information in such a short time will have an impact on the work that I do both directly with young people and families and within the team. I hope our paths cross again in the future.”
“I have just watched your talk on the NAS Conference and found it incredibly inspiring! It is not always easy to find female role models with autism that my students can identify with.”
“I found it hugely informative and loved hearing Emily’s personal story as it added context and depth to the presentation. Clear, concise, brave and thought-provoking.”
“It was an absolute privilege to have you as a speaker! Thank you for sharing your experiences. Emily Katy brilliantly underlines the key issues that need to be acknowledged and addressed so that we are “in the conversations to begin with.”
“Emily is inspirational in sharing her story and in helping and supporting Neurotypical Clinicians in understanding what they can do to support neurodivergent young people with their mental health, so valuable and so grateful. Thank you!”