Why You Are Not ‘So OCD’: OCD Myths
Mental Health Emily Mental Health Emily

Why You Are Not ‘So OCD’: OCD Myths

I have lost count of the number of times I have heard people say ‘I’m so OCD’ when they just want something to be tidy, clean, arranged in a particular order or done a certain way. Or, how many times I’ve seen phrases like ‘Obsessive Cat Disorder’ on mugs or prints. Or, how often I’ve been frustrated by people declaring they wished they…

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Autism and Anxiety
Autism, Mental Health, My Journey Emily Autism, Mental Health, My Journey Emily

Autism and Anxiety

You know that feeling where your racing heart-rate won’t slow down, your face feels sweaty and your insides are churning? Where your thoughts are spinning around your head in endless circles? Where you feel dread and complete nausea from everything? I live with that every day.

Anxiety isn’t intrinsic to autism. Not all autistic people even experience anxiety, but…

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