Challenges Autistic and ADHD People Face in Healthcare and What Can Help
Research tells us that there are a range of barriers to accessing and receiving healthcare for autistic and ADHD people, at all stages across an individual’s life (Malik-Soni et al., 2022; Young et al., 2021). Autism and ADHD are both associated with lower life expectancies…

The War In My Mind: Fighting Anxiety
Anxiety is not just an emotion for me. It's a daily state of being. It's a feeling that lives within me that I can't quite describe. It never goes away. I don't know what life is like without anxiety as a companion. I don't know what it's like to not be at war with my mind.

Autistic Vulnerability - Am I More Vulnerable Because of My Autism?
I fundamentally believe that as a result of being autistic, I am a lot more vulnerable than if I wasn’t autistic.
I have heard some autistic people voice that saying we are vulnerable is a bad thing. I understand why. I think that there is a valid danger of non-autistic people seeing…

‘Autistic People Don’t Have Empathy’: A Look at Autism and Empathy
It is often said that autistic people lack empathy. Some autistic people are told that they can’t be autistic because they are too empathetic. Let’s explore what this means and why.
To begin with, let’s define empathy. “Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.”

Why Do So Many Autistic Girls and Autistic Women Go Undiagnosed?
Before we dive into the reasons why so many autistic girls and women go undiagnosed, we need to acknowledge that for many of the same reasons, autistic non-binary people, trans women and anyone who is not cis male often go undiagnosed. Gender bias in autism affects more people than…

What I Would Say To My Undiagnosed Autistic Self
To my undiagnosed autistic self…
I would love to tell you that you are autistic, because knowing that about yourself would take so much of your guilt and shame away. Unfortunately you won’t know that for years, so for now I will tell you these things instead.

Let’s Talk About Autism and Periods
Let’s talk about autism and periods.
There is little research on the experiences of autistic people and periods, likely due to the narrative of autism still being heavily focused on cis autistic boys and autistic men. However, we know that periods can be harder for autistic people, so…

Receiving An Autism Diagnosis Was The Most Liberating Feeling In The World
Receiving an autism diagnosis was the most liberating feeling in the world.
I don’t know how old I was when I realised that I was different. Perhaps it was when I realised that I had no interest in the things other kids in my class cared about. Perhaps it was when I…

My Journey Of How I Found Out That I Am Autistic
I was diagnosed with autism when I was 16, after years of struggling with my mental health and finding myself sectioned on a CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) unit.
One evening when I was on home leave from the ward, I sat my parents down at the kitchen table and…