Anti-Bullying Week: Autism and Bullying
This week (11th - 15th November) is anti-bullying week, which takes place every year. Considering that approximately 30% of children are bullied each year, with 1 child in every classroom experiencing bullying…

Sports Day - Challenges and Suggestions for Autistic (and other neurodivergent) Children and Young People
I hated sports day. It was - aside from my primary school swimming gala - the worst day of the school year. I cried in-front of my PE teacher when she told me I had no choice but to do a race, because I was so anxious about the whole school watching, convinced I would embarrass myself. I hated the noise, the crowds and….

What I Wish Schools Knew About Supporting Autistic and ADHD Children
I struggled a lot at school. This started with anxiety and panic attacks when I was 13. I was eventually diagnosed with autism at the age of 16. I ran away from school, struggled to go into lessons, was described as on the verge of a school refuser and then missed a lot of school when I was unwell.
So what do I wish that teachers (who didn’t already know) had known?

Do Any Autistic Children Get Through School Untraumatised?
I don’t think any autistic children get through school untraumatised, and that makes me so incredibly sad.
Autistic children are much more likely to be bullied than non-autistic children. In-fact, I don’t think there are many autistic people who weren’t bullied at some stage. Other kids can tell we’re different, and that…

What School Was Like as an (Undiagnosed) Autistic
School began as a sanctuary, a safe space. 5-year-old me loved the classroom, all the new books I was being introduced to, the stories I heard and the new things I was learning. I couldn’t believe my luck, that I could go to school every day and learn such fascinating things.