You Are Allowed To Make Your Own Adjustments: How I Managed a Hen Do as an Autistic Person
It was my friend’s hen do recently and I was worried about how I would manage it. I struggle socialising in big groups, I don’t enjoy bars or clubs and there was lots of things that I felt anxious about, but I really wanted to go and celebrate my friend...

Challenges Autistic and ADHD People Face in Healthcare and What Can Help
Research tells us that there are a range of barriers to accessing and receiving healthcare for autistic and ADHD people, at all stages across an individual’s life (Malik-Soni et al., 2022; Young et al., 2021). Autism and ADHD are both associated with lower life expectancies…

Feeling Ashamed of ‘The Autistic Side of Me’
I guess I have this deep-rooted fear that allowing people to see the ‘autistic side of me’ will make them run away. I try not to be ‘too much’, to not get ‘too excited’, to not shut-down or melt-down or pretend I’m not overwhelmed.
I remember what it felt like to be eight and be laughed at for…

What School Was Like as an (Undiagnosed) Autistic
School began as a sanctuary, a safe space. 5-year-old me loved the classroom, all the new books I was being introduced to, the stories I heard and the new things I was learning. I couldn’t believe my luck, that I could go to school every day and learn such fascinating things.

25 Things That I Wish I Had Known As An (Undiagnosed) Autistic Child
1. That when a teacher instructs you to “write as much as you can”, they don’t mean this literally. You don’t have to turn in 30 double sided pieces of A4. You can write two sides like everyone else.
2. Similarly, when a teacher tells you to “wait outside”, they don’t actually mean outside the building. They mean…

Alexithymia and Autism
Alexithymia, which translates to “no words for emotion” in Greek, is where someone has difficulty identifying and describing the emotions that they are experiencing.
Alexithymia is thought to affect 1 in 10 people, but is much more common amongst autistic people.

Interoceptive Awareness in Autism and ADHD
Interoception is the ability to identify, understand and respond to the state of the inside of our body. This is something that many autistic people and those with ADHD struggle with.
Interoceptive awareness allows us to feel things like hunger, thirst, whether we are hot or cold, if we need…

Let’s Talk About Autism and Periods
Let’s talk about autism and periods.
There is little research on the experiences of autistic people and periods, likely due to the narrative of autism still being heavily focused on cis autistic boys and autistic men. However, we know that periods can be harder for autistic people, so…

Receiving An Autism Diagnosis Was The Most Liberating Feeling In The World
Receiving an autism diagnosis was the most liberating feeling in the world.
I don’t know how old I was when I realised that I was different. Perhaps it was when I realised that I had no interest in the things other kids in my class cared about. Perhaps it was when I…

Hypo and Hyper Sensitivity in Autistic People
Autistic people tend to be either hypo or hyper sensitive. Hyposensitivity is the under-responsiveness to stimuli. So, someone might not be able to tell if they are hot or cold. Hypersensitivity is the over-reaction to stimuli. So someone might feel hot and sweat even when it’s not that hot.

What I Mean When I Say That “I Can’t Cope With Life” As An Autistic Person
“I can’t cope with life”.
My existence and the world just seem incompatible with each other. There are constant barriers every day that I can’t seem to overcome. The world itself just doesn’t seem like it’s made for me.

What It Was Like Growing Up Autistic
I’m not sure how old I was when I realised that I was different. I suspect it was at some point during primary school. Perhaps it was when I realised that I had no interest in the things other kids in my class cared about. Perhaps it was when I was bullied for not fitting in. But I do know that I grew up…