Graduating ADHD Coaching!
ADHD, Neurodiversity, My Journey Emily ADHD, Neurodiversity, My Journey Emily

Graduating ADHD Coaching!

From August 4th 2023 to April 26th 2024…I have graduated ADHD Coaching! (if this is even a thing…i have made it a thing).

Nine months ago, I was struggling to come to terms with my fairly new ADHD diagnosis and had no sense of how to make life (which just felt constantly stressful) easier for my ADHD brain. Access to Work…

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GIRL UNMASKED: Publication Week, Podcasts and Waterstones Event
Autism, Writing Emily Autism, Writing Emily

GIRL UNMASKED: Publication Week, Podcasts and Waterstones Event

The past couple of weeks have been the most surreal of my life. GIRL UNMASKED is officially out in the world, and I am filled with gratitude.

On Wednesday 27th March, I saw it in Waterstones for the first time (it was on the shelf a day early!). It’s fair to say that it was a very surreal experience, and one of those life moments that I’ll never ever forget.

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‘Anxiety Recovery’ whilst Autistic

‘Anxiety Recovery’ whilst Autistic

I spent my teenage years chasing the idea of ‘anxiety recovery’ that I later discovered didn’t exist. I wanted a life without anxiety, because all I understood was that it was limiting, destructive, painful, and stole too much from me. I also thought that was what I was meant to want. At church, year after year, people prayed for my anxiety to go…

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