Things I’ve Learned in 2024
My Journey Emily My Journey Emily

Things I’ve Learned in 2024

2024, a year of endless growth, authenticity and joy.

Somehow we have reached the end of 2024, despite it feeling like only last week that I wrote my ‘Reflections on 2023’ blog post. I couldn’t be more grateful for the past year: for the people in my life; the release of Girl Unmasked and…

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Autistic Masking
Autism, Neurodiversity Emily Autism, Neurodiversity Emily

Autistic Masking

I was diagnosed with autism when I was 16. Like many autistic people (though not all), I grew up masking my autism. Doing my best to suppress parts of me I recognised seemed different to other people, parts I grew to be ashamed of as things happened which taught me I should be. I didn’t know that what I was doing was called masking…

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The Misdiagnosis of Autistic Distress in the Mental Health System

The Misdiagnosis of Autistic Distress in the Mental Health System

When I am asked why I wrote Girl Unmasked, I say that I was angry. Which is true. I was angry at finding myself sectioned on a psychiatric unit at the age of 16, at the doctor there telling me I just had high social anxiety not autism, at the fact they described my autistic meltdowns as ‘hysteric attacks when she doesn’t get her own way’…

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Reflections on 2023
My Journey Emily My Journey Emily

Reflections on 2023

2023, a year of the highest highs and lowest lows.

The first year of having the comfort of the routine of a 9-5 job and my body no longer being in a constant state of anxiety. The year I learned I have ADHD and started life-changing medication. The first year of…

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What I Wish Schools Knew About Supporting Autistic and ADHD Children
Autism, ADHD, Neurodiversity Emily Autism, ADHD, Neurodiversity Emily

What I Wish Schools Knew About Supporting Autistic and ADHD Children

I struggled a lot at school. This started with anxiety and panic attacks when I was 13. I was eventually diagnosed with autism at the age of 16. I ran away from school, struggled to go into lessons, was described as on the verge of a school refuser and then missed a lot of school when I was unwell.

So what do I wish that teachers (who didn’t already know) had known?

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What IS Autism?
Autism, Neurodiversity Emily Autism, Neurodiversity Emily

What IS Autism?

It is hard to sum up autism in a sentence when autistic people are all different. But, if I had to, I would say that autism is a neurodevelopmental condition which affects the way I see, interact, experience and respond to the world around me. Autism is not an illness, a disease, or something which…

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